Ayo, I guess some weirdo decided to join this website. Hey look it’s me! Wow me good job! Thanks me!
anyway I’m Chococup, call me choco nothing else ok? Good!
I’m what people call an artist who is good at making character designs and a few other stuff, I genuinely like making art, But I want to get into animation and animatics. All that sorta lovey dovey stuff. So I thought no better way to come across here and show my work in progress artwork n stuff. Please do not expect me to have a specific posting schedule.
I can do:
Character Designing
Short Gifs
Idfk what else do you expect from a guy that doesn’t have a life.
I hope nothing else from this lol
Welcome to Newgrounds! This place is pretty chill, some would almost say: glacially. Joking aside. This place is its own beast. Make sure to read up on the submission guidelines for the art and movie portal and you're golden! Have fun and hope you enjoy your stay!
Thanks! I appreciate the support!